What If Poor Road Conditions Caused My Accident?
More traffic crashes than you might think are caused by road hazards that are not within the driver’s control. Critical reasons for motor vehicle accidents were investigated in a large study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Researchers found that two percent of accidents could be attributed to environmental factors. In addition to inclement weather, these factors include:
Don’t Let Potholes Get You Down
While there are hundreds of remarkable things to see and do in New York City, there is an endless supply of not-so beautiful things—like the potholes that litter our streets. Not only unpleasant to behold, they are a serious hazard that can ruin vehicles and cause crashes. The good news is you can seek compensation for relatively minor issues like damage to your tires and rims from the City; the bad news is there are restrictions on them.
Drive Safely in Highway Work Zones This April
Every April, New York and other states recognize Work Zone Safety Awareness Week. This week encourages drivers to brush up on their safe driving skills in highway construction zones, the number of which typically increase as warm weather moves in.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) work together to improve safety on U.S. roads. Facts from these administrations about work zone safety include:
- In the past five years, over 4,400 people have lost their lives in construction zone crashes, and another 200,000 were injured.
What Wintertime Road Hazards are in New York?
Winter is coming to New York again, and the cold weather is already here. While few places beat New York in the winter, drivers must stay aware of the dangers they face on the road due to cold weather. Rain, snow, and freezing wind all create unique hazards on the road that can result in devastating accidents in mere moments.