What Swimming Pool Regulations Help Avoid Drowning Accidents?

By WRSMH on September 26, 2016

In New York, there are a number of general safety regulations regarding swimming pools and spas, as well as various additional measures required of businesses that own and operate swimming facilities. Certain districts have local laws and regulations that either modify or add onto those required by the state, so anyone who plans on building a pool or who owns one already should be aware of not only state but also local regulations. Following these requirements not only reduces the chance of an accident, but protects against liability if something does occur.

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Posted in: Premises Liability

How Property Owners Can Be Held Liable For New York City Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

By WRSMH on July 11, 2016

Slip, trip, and fall accidents are common everyday occurrences. Oftentimes, they are caused by nothing more than a person’s own clumsiness or inattentiveness, and they are able to get up and walk away with no injuries to anything other than their pride. However, there are also plenty of situations where a slip and fall incident has happened because of a New York City property owner’s negligence.

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Posted in: Premises Liability

Who Is Responsible for a Slip, Trip, or Fall on a New York Bus or Subway?

By WRSMH on June 13, 2016

Hopefully when you get onto a New York bus or subway, you arrive at your destination safely. However, accidents do sometimes happen. Maybe there’s something on the stairs of the bus and you trip. Or maybe a subway platform wasn’t quite cleaned properly and you slip. When this happens, who’s responsible?

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Posted in: Premises Liability