While life is full of risks and rewards, there are certain preventable injuries that you can avoid. Tragically, preventable injuries are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, claiming hundreds of lives each day. Walking down the street in New York, you might not think to look both ways before stepping into an intersection or avoid unlit areas late at night, but a few extra precautions can make a big difference.
Under 1 Year Old
For infants under 1 year old, mechanical suffocation is the biggest danger and cause of preventable deaths. A few simple efforts, however, can keep infants safer and help avoid such a tragedy. Infants should sleep in a crib for the first year, not in bed with their parents, and be placed on their backs to sleep. Additionally, objects such as stuffed animals, toys, and blankets should never be left in a crib with a sleeping infant.
1 to 24 Years Old
Between the ages of 1 and 24, the most common cause of death is traffic crashes. About 20 deaths occur every day that could be prevented with a bit of caution while in a vehicle. Make sure everyone in a car is wearing a seatbelt or other appropriate restraint that is fitted properly for their size. Teenagers should also have extra practice driving with an adult, even after gaining a license, to ensure safe practices. All drivers should operate vehicles free of distractions like phones.
25 to 64 Years Old
Poisoning is the greatest cause of preventable deaths to adults between 25 and 64 years old, claiming nearly 100 lives each day. Most of these fatalities are caused by prescription pain medication and improper use. Adults dealing with pain should seek alternatives from their doctors to prescription medication, and always follow doctor instructions. When taking opioids, it is best to take as small a dose as possible for as short a time as possible. Prescriptions should never be shared with others.
65 and Older
For people 65 or older, falls are the greatest threat and cause about 70 preventable deaths on average each day. Those older than 65 should use non-skid mats in the bath and shower and install grab bars around the tub and toilet for extra caution. Care should be taken whenever moving around areas that might be wet or slippery. Be extra cautious on stairs.
Even if you are careful, sometimes someone else can cause you personal injury. If someone you know has been harmed, call Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP, today at (212) 986-7353.