Lead is a heavy metal that can be found in dust, air, soil, water, and some household products. When lead enters the body, it can cause serious illness and injury, especially in children. Young children are more likely to get lead poisoning than any other age group, and they are more likely to suffer serious developmental problems if they do.
Both children and adults may be exposed to dangerous levels of lead during home repairs, from defective consumer products, and in other areas. Here are four ways to help reduce the risk of lead poisoning in your home and keep yourself and your children healthy:
- Fix peeling paint safely. Old paint is a common source of lead in the home. Before you fix old, peeling paint, close off the work area with plastic sheeting and tape, and use wet scraping or wet sanding to trap dust particles that may contain lead. Keep children away from work areas until they are fully cleaned.
- Wash regularly. Wash children’s hands and faces after they play, before each meal, and before bedtime. Use soap and water to wash toys, pacifiers, and surfaces the child touches frequently.
- Avoid products that contain lead. Watch for recall alerts that inform families about lead levels in jewelry, toys, and other products. Use lead-free dishes.
- Serve foods with calcium, iron, and vitamin C. These minerals and vitamins help the body process and remove lead. Talk to your child’s doctor for more information about lead poisoning and safety.
Lead poisoning is typically diagnosed through a blood test that measures the amount of lead in the bloodstream. Many people with elevated blood lead levels do not show symptoms. Your doctor can help you understand what blood test results mean, and your experienced personal injury attorney can help you protect your legal rights if you are harmed by lead exposure in New York.