What To Do If You Have Been Affected by a New York City Factory Explosion

In the wake of a plant explosion, shock, sadness, and confusion can deeply affect everyone involved as they search for answers as to why this accident happened. However, workers who have survived with serious injuries and those who have lost loved ones in the incident will be focused on understanding and attempting to cope with their losses.

While getting needed medical care should be everyone's top priority after an accident, finding skilled legal representation in the days and weeks following an incident can be just as important. However, many are left unsure of their legal rights and the best course of action they can take after being harmed or losing someone in an explosion.

If you are struggling with such decisions and are unsure of what is right for you, call the NYC plant explosion lawyers at Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP. We offer no-cost consultations that provide people with deeper legal insight and understanding concerning both their losses and rights as New York citizens. Consultations are offered to all who call (212) 986-7353.

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The Devastation of an Explosion in New York

No one expects to be caught up in such a horrific accident, but some industrial workplaces are much more likely to suffer an explosion. These accidents are often the result of dangerous gases building up over time within a confined space or accidents igniting flammable gas or liquid. While these hazards are clearly marked when business owners and employees properly follow regulations, mistakes can still jeopardize the entire workplace. Additionally, the mishandling of these hazardous materials by negligent or untrained workers can lead to such explosions.

Unlike workplace fires, which can still cause great devastation, explosions can occur with little warning and quickly engulf entire buildings. Often, those who are not near the source of the explosion will still be affected by the incident.

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Compensation for Workers Injured in NYC Plant Explosions

Survivors of plant explosions are often left with burns ranging up to the third degree; deep cuts and broken bones from flying shrapnel; organ damage from the impact of the blast; and many more losses. Workers will have a long road back to recovery, with many never completely reaching their former physical capabilities again.

Benefits from workers' compensation will pay for all past and future medical procedures that are required after being injured during an on-the-job explosion. While proving that the accident occurred while on the job may be simple, a worker will need to completely document his or her injuries and the costs associated with them.

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Compensation for Family of the Deceased

Unfortunately, these types of incidents often result in the deaths of workers due to their severe and sudden nature. Workers' compensation benefits are available for the deceased worker's spouse and children under the age of 18. These parties are entitled to receive weekly cash benefits that are equal to two-thirds of the worker's average weekly wage during the year prior to the accident.

If the deceased worker has no surviving children, grandchildren, spouse, brother, or sister, then his or her parents or grandparents can be paid compensation. This payment can be up to $50,000, but every case is different.

Additionally, funeral expenses can be paid for the deceased worker. This total can range up to $6,000 in Metropolitan New York counties and $5,000 in all other counties within the state, but again, the circumstances vary.

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Finding the Strength to Move Forward

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a plant explosion in New York, get in touch with the legal team at Wingate, Russotti, Shaprio & Halperin, LLP. Our New York industrial explosion attorneys understand that no amount of money can eliminate the trauma of an accident or the devastation of losing a loved one, but this compensation can helped survivors and family members have the support they need in order to properly cope with their losses. Call (212) 986-7353 for a free consultation from our legal team so that you better understand how you can recover from your losses.

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Our Construction Accident Case Results

$18 Million - Verdict for Construction Worker Who Fell from a Defective Scaffold

The laborer fell three stories from a defective scaffold and suffered comminuted fractures of his left calcaneus, osteomyelitis in the left heel and a painful neuroma in his foot.

Philip Russotti

$11.76 Million - Labor Law Construction Accident with Single-Level Lumbar Fusion

Frank Lombardo obtained $11.76 million in Queens County for a seriously injured Union Local No. 1 journeyman plumber.

Frank Lombardo

$11.1 Million - NY Construction Worker Fell from Ladder

Phil Russotti obtained an $11.1 million verdict in Queens County Supreme Court, for a 53 year old man who was injured on a construction site at a New York City High School.

Philip Russotti

$8.2 Million - New York Construction Worker Paralyzed in Fall

Plaintiff, a 40 year-old, undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, was working off the books for a roofing contractor when he fell through a hole in the first floor of a one family home he was working in.

Kenneth Halperin, Philip Russotti

$8 Million - Crane Operator Injured on Site in Trip-and-Fall

Konstantin Burshteyn successfully represented a client, a crane operator, who sustained injuries after tripping and falling at a Brooklyn construction site.

Konstantin Burshteyn

$7.25 Million - Defective Scaffolding Injury in New York

Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP attorneys Phil Russotti and Ken Halperin settled the case of a union-affiliated painter in his 40s, who was injured while working at a chemical storage facility.

Kenneth Halperin, Philip Russotti

$6.5 Million - Serious Fall by Undocumented Laborer

Konstantin Burshteyn successfully represented a client, an undocumented laborer from El Salvador, who was seriously injured in a fall while working as a roofer.

Konstantin Burshteyn

$6.5 Million - Carpenter Injured from Fall at Jobsite

David M. Hoffman obtained a settlement of $6,500,000 for a client who was injured in a fall on a jobsite resulting in suffered serious and permanent trauma to his head.

David Hoffman

$6.4 Million - Injured Union Concrete Workers

WRSMH attorneys obtained a total of $6,400,000 for multiple cases involving injured union concrete workers who were hurt on a construction site.

Noah Katz, Michael Zisser

$5.9 Million - Construction Worker Struck by a Falling Object

Carmine Goncalves obtained a large settlement on behalf of our client, a union construction worker, who sustained injuries after being struck by a falling object.

Carmine Goncalves

$5.75 Million - Falling Beam Injuries on Construction Site

The firm successfully represented a construction worker who sustained injuries which required multiple surgeries after he was struck by a falling beam while working on a construction site.

William Hepner

$5.75 Million - Day Laborer Injured at Construction Site

50-year-old day laborer injured at his job site, an apartment building in the Bronx.

Bryce Moses

$5.4 Million - Faulty Chain Harness Drops Worker from Building

WRSMH attorneys represented a client, a concrete worker, who suffered serious injuries in a fall while performing his job.

Carmine Goncalves, Erin Hurley

$5.3 Million - Non-Union Construction Worker Injured by Table Saw

The firm successfully represented a non-union construction worker who was seriously injured while operating a table saw which lacked a safety guard.

Noah Katz

$5 Million - Staten Island Construction Worker Killed When Trench Walls Collapse

Clifford Shapiro and Kenneth Halperin worked together to obtain a $5,000,000.00 settlement for the family of a construction worker who was killed while working in a trench at a construction site on Staten Island.

Clifford Shapiro, Kenneth Halperin

$5 Million - Worker Injured in Trench Fall at Construction Site

David M. Hoffman obtained a settlement of $5,000,000 for a client who sustained multiple injuries after falling into an unprotected trench at a construction site.

David Hoffman

$4.9 Million - Bridge Painter Falls Through Open Scaffold Above Roadway

Our client, a union bridge painter, suffered multiple injuries after a fall from an open scaffold above a roadway in New York.

Carmine Goncalves

$4.761 Million - Laborer Struck by Falling Brick

Frank Lombardo obtained $4.761 million in Bronx County for a seriously injured worker who was struck by a brick.

Frank Lombardo

$4.5 Million - Non-Union Laborer Injured in Construction Site Fall

Attorneys obtained a pre-trial settlement in the amount of $4.5 million for a non-union laborer who fell through an opening on the first floor into a cellar below a Manhattan high-rise building under construction.

Noah Katz, Kenneth Halperin

$4.5 Million - Worker Injured in Slip and Fall on Construction Site

Carmine Goncalves and Bryce Moses obtained a large settlement on behalf of our client, a construction worker, who sustained multiple injuries in a workplace fall.

Carmine Goncalves, Bryce Moses

Click here to see more NY Construction Accident Verdicts & Settlements