Representation for New York City Residents Suffering from Hip Implant Injuries

Our firm provides the highest level of legal expertise for defective Sulzer Hip Implant cases. Our New York personal injury lawyers represent individuals affected by faulty medical implants as a result of negligence committed by manufacturers and distributors of faulty products as well as families of those injured or killed as a result of negligence committed by physicians, drug manufacturers, pharmacists and other health care providers. We handle all defective medical implant cases including Sulzer Hip Replacements.

The Sulzer Orthopedics Company manufactured a hip replacement that, after being put inside more than 17,000 patients, has been determined to be defective. The manufacturer explained that a "production error" had left traces of machine oil on the artificial joints and has taken full responsibility for its negligence.

Sulzer hip replacement surgery failed for many patients because the natural hipbone was not able to adhere to the artificial socket that was contaminated by oil. Patients have been forced to endure needless suffering and have had to undergo complicated surgical procedures to remove the defective implant resulting in painful convalescence and extended rehabilitation.

The manufacturers of the Sulzer Hip Replacement have offered a settlement to compensate for damages but there is a time limit on filing a claim. You must seek the advice of an experienced attorney immnediately to discuss your defective medical device claim.

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Contact a NYC Hip Replacement Lawyer For Help

If you or a loved one has suffered due to a faulty medical product, the New York City defective product attorneys at Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP, would like to meet with you. Please call our office at (212) 986-7353 to set up an appointment to discuss your case.

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