WE PREVIOUSLY advised that we are representing the relatives of a number of victims of the September 11th attacks before the Victims Compensation Fund, without charging a fee.
Ken Halperin is representing a family who lost their son while he was working in the World Trade Center on 9/11. For the past year Ken has worked with the family and economists to prepare a brief for submission to the Special Master. In the brief Ken attempted to show that this then 31 year old claims examiner had a future earnings capacity that far exceeded his current salary. In addition to the economic report, Ken used statements from family members and other information, such as his stated intent to continue his education as a means to show the Special Master that a higher economic award was justified. These efforts resulted in a presumed award of $1,052,225. The economic award represented approximately 80% of the requested amount. However, in an effort to further assist this family in obtaining a fair award Ken attended a hearing with the family and Kenneth Feinberg, the Special Master, on May 5, 2004 to argue that a higher award is justified.