Premises Liability: Slip and Fall on Ice
Trial Counsel Robert J. Bellinson recently won a verdict for our client for more than $190,000 after he slipped and fell on ice and fractured his ankle. Defendant was a private housing development that had arranged for a snow removal company to plow the parking lots inside their development. In so doing, the company accumulated the snow into a pile directly adjacent to an interior walkway. When the weather turned warmer, the snow melted onto the walkway and then, as it turned colder, the melted snow turned to ice. In a vehemently contested trial, the Jury found defendant 100% responsible for causing and creating this slipping hazard, and awarded our client seven times the amount of damages being offered by defendant throughout the trial. Parenthetically, our settlement demand was $200,000, and the Jury's decision closely correlates with our ability to determine what a case is worth.