Attorney Stephen Wagner secured a $1,200,000 settlement for a 57-year-old Suffolk County woman who was the victim of a rear-end collision in 2019. Mr. Wagner was specifically retained to try the case to verdict on the issue of damages, but was able to secure a highly favorable settlement for our client before trial commenced.
Our client had pre-existing, degenerative neck problems for about 15 years prior to the 2019 collision. She previously had a four level cervical spine (neck) fusion in 2016, due to her degenerative problems. She was treated as recently as two months before the 2019 collision. After the collision, she had an extension of the fusion for an additional 3 levels below the prior fusion, plus loss of much use in her left, non-dominant hand. About two months after the collision, she suffered an unrelated trip and fall with a wrist fracture.