Attorney Konstantin Burshteyn secured a $2,100,000 settlement for a 63-year-old union painter involved in an accident on a New York City construction site. Our client, a painter, was injured when the ladder he was working on collapsed, causing him to fall. As a result of the accident, our client sustained a fractured wrist and dislocated elbow, both of which required emergency surgery. Our client later underwent shoulder surgery and was also treated for post-traumatic headaches.

The defendants argued that the record showed that our client was responsible for the fall because he missed a step on his way down rather than falling. They also argued that, based on a bio-mechanical expert review, the accident could not have happened as the plaintiff alleged. Finally, the defendants argued that the injuries to our client were to his non-dominant hand and that he could go back to work.

Konstantin made motions for summary judgment under Labor Law 240(1). While his motions were pending, and after a failed private mediation, Konstantin worked diligently to secure fair compensation for our client. The case was referred to WRSMH by a New York City Workers’ Compensation firm.

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