Motor Vehicle Accident
During trial, WRSMH attorney settled the case of our client who was involved in a motor vehicle accident in the amount of $850,000. The plaintiff is a 47 year old factory worker who was driving to lunch when the defendant's work truck ran a red light in front of him. As a result of the collision he was taken directly to Woodhull Medical Center with complaints of pain in his neck and lower back. He was treated and released.
He immediately began seeing his private medical doctor for pain in his neck and lower back. He underwent physical therapy and trigger point injections in his neck. The physical therapy and trigger point injections did not help, so after eleven months, he underwent a three level spinal fusion of his cervical vertebrae to treat three herniated disks in his neck.
Importantly, our client had a history of two prior motor vehicle accidents for which he received physical therapy. He also received trigger point injections in the past for a bulging disc in his neck. Several days of surveillance were taken of our client, which clearly indicated he had a good result from the neck surgery. He recovered his range of motion and use of his extremities and returned to his job of working in a factory bending steel.