Carpenter Injured in Manhattan Construction Accident

WRSMH attorney Kenneth Halperin obtained a settlement in the amount of $1,550,000.00 for a 42-year old carpenter who was injured in an accident on a construction site.

The accident in question occurred at a construction site in Manhattan. A commercial building was under construction at the time. Plaintiff was in the process of pushing a wheelbarrow filled with debris over a narrow ramp. While he was doing this the ramp shifted causing the wheel barrow to tip and the plaintiff to fall to the ground. We alleged violation of Labor Law 240(1), Labor Law 241(6) and Rule 23 of the Industrial Code.

As a result of the accident plaintiff suffered injuries to his lower back, right ankle, right knee and right shoulder. At the time of the settlement he had underwent surgery on his lower back. We managed to settle this case prior to depositions being conducted.

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