WRSMH attorney Ashley Jacoby obtained a $2,000,000.00 settlement for an undocumented Queens man. Our client was rear-ended by a tractor trailer while stopped at a traffic light. He subsequently underwent a cervical surgery as well as arthroscopies to one shoulder and both knees.

Although we obtained summary judgment on liability on behalf of our client, defendants argued that the underlying injuries and resulting surgeries were not causally related. Specifically, the defendants contended that our client’s two prior car accidents were the cause of his injuries and correctly pointed out that our client had already undergone surgical procedures to his shoulder and knees before this collision.

At mediation, Ashley persuasively argued that we would be able to prove the surgeries performed after this third accident were caused by the defendants' negligence and the defendants ultimately agreed to pay the $2,000,00.00 at the mediation. The case was settled before Plaintiff’s Note of Issue was filed.

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