Vehicle Accident New York City Department of Sanitation Truck

This motor vehicle accident involved a 43 year old woman who was rear ended by a New York City Department of Sanitation truck. We moved for summary judgment on liability, which was granted.

Our client was examined and treated by numerous physicians, including pain management specialist, orthopedic surgeons, spinal surgeons and traumatic brain injury specialists. She was also evaluated by an economist and vocational rehabilitation expert. Our client suffered both past and future lost earnings, physical and psychiatric impairments, as well as the need for vocational rehabilitation. Her injuries included a confirmed, severe depression and anxiety symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, multiple disc herniations in her neck from C1-C6 requiring epidural injections and numerous trigger point injections of cortisone. She was required to undergo an operation which consisted of an anterior cervical decompression with partial corpectomy C5-6, decompression of spinal cord, bilateral foraminotomy C5-6 and anterior cervical fusion C5-6 using Danek cornerstone allograft and finally a titanium plate fixation. Our client also suffered from chronic pain syndrome as well as a confirmed traumatic brain injury with associated impaired working memory, impaired long term recall, significant impairments in attention, memory, verbal and language skills and sensory motor tasks secondary to whiplash injury and brain concussion.

The matter was litigated by WRSMH attorney Michael Fitzpatrick and settled by WRSMH attorney Clifford Shapiro before trial for 1.5 million dollars.

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