Pedestrian Accident - Car Accident

Our client, a 63 year old home health worker was injured when she was struck by a city vehicle walking in a cross-walk in the Bronx. As a result of the accident, she suffered a fractured orbital bone as well as soft tissue injuries to her back, knee and shoulder, requiring surgery. As a result of the accident, our client missed three months of work.

Prior to depositions, the firm moved for and was granted summary judgment on the issue of liability. Specifically, the firm was able to obtain an affidavit from our client that she was struck by a vehicle while walking in the cross-walk and did nothing to cause the accident. The City contended that the driver was distracted by sun in his eyes. Once summary judgment was granted in our favor the matter proceeded through discovery.

Prior to discovery being completed, Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP attorney Clifford Shapiro began negotiating with the City. The City initially offered $250,000.00 to settle the case. However, using his expert negotiating skills and due to our firm’s reputation and willingness to go to trial, Cliff was able to leverage an additional $1.25 million dollars while the case was still three years away from settlement. The case settled for $1.5 million. Our client currently works full-time as a home health aide.

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