Get Legal Help if You Are Suffering From Expressive Aphasia After an Accident in NYC

Expressive aphasia is a communication disorder that impacts the ability to produce speech. It is also commonly referred to as Broca’s aphasia, as it is often caused by damage to the region of the brain known as Broca’s area. Individuals with expressive aphasia may have difficulty speaking and writing but probably know exactly what they want to express. Additionally, their language comprehension may be mildly or moderately affected.

The disorder usually presents itself in patients who have suffered a stroke or head injury. A person may be able to seek compensation if they have developed expressive aphasia as a result of someone else’s careless behavior. If this has happened to you or someone you care about, you should seek the advice of an experienced New York City brain injury lawyer at Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP as soon as possible. Call (212) 986-7353 to schedule a free consultation

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Symptoms of Expressive Aphasia

Typical symptoms of expressive aphasia include:

  • Struggling to find words
  • Speaking slowly and with effort
  • Speaking in single words or short, broken phrases
  • Speaking in grammatically incorrect or illogical sentences
  • Struggling to comprehend speech
  • Struggling to read or write

Because expressive aphasia is often the result of a stroke, call 911 immediately if you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone else.

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Treatments For Expressive Aphasia

Due to the brain’s plasticity, some patients may see significant improvement in their abilities within a few months of treatment. However, each case is different and improvement will depend on the severity of the brain damage.

Speech and language therapists offer many types of therapy for expressive aphasia, including but not limited to:

  • Constraint-induced language therapy
  • Melodic intonation therapy
  • Alternative communication
  • Visual action therapy
  • Multiple oral reading
  • Supported reading comprehension

If you are supporting someone experiencing expressive aphasia, it is recommended that you:

  • Speak in short, simple sentences in a natural way
  • Repeat or write down key words
  • Be patient with the person and give them time to understand what you are saying and time to express what they mean
  • Avoid loud distractions when communicating
  • Encourage them to speak and don’t correct errors

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The Impacts of Expressive Aphasia

Expressive aphasia can be an incredibly lonely and frustrating condition. Someone with aphasia is not less intelligent than before; the condition merely affects their ability to communicate. However, research has shown that it is a greater cause of depression and low quality of life than other severe illnesses, such as cancer.

At this stage, it is unknown whether aphasia itself shortens life expectancy. However, the underlying cause of aphasia, such as stroke or brain damage caused by a traumatic injury, can reduce longevity.

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Providing Legal Representation in New York City

If you or a loved one has been affected by expressive aphasia due to another person’s actions, you may be able to recover compensation. As the leading personal injury attorneys in New York City, we can help you with legal matters and ensure your case is in good hands.

Call Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP today at (212) 986-7353 for a free, confidential consultation.

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